Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Book of Eli

Denzel Washington,Mila Kunis, and Gary Oldman star in tale of a man named Eli trying to get a book to a safe place. Along the way he runs into a villian of who just happens to want the very book Eli is trying to protect.The villian is Gary Oldman because he's an excellent villian Case in point Air Force One. I guess that means that means the hero is played by Denzel Washington. Anyways that's all I want give away about this movie because I don't want to away the ending. I greatly enjoyed this movie from it's dark and gritty opening to it's uplifting ending. It was full of action and there wern't any slow points in the movie where I checking my watch thinking when is this going to be over. The plot moved along steadily while explaining everything in do time. If I had the money I would go to see it again but I guess I'll just have to wait for the D.V.D. This movie earns an R rating with a good amount of violence and pervassive language so if you don't like those kinds of things then you might want to skip this movie. l how ever don't mind that sort of thing. My score for The Book of Eli is an 8 out of 10 so if you like great action and great plot lines than you'll like this movie.

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